St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Pentecost Six, June 26th, 2016

Some historians may argue that the tradition was begun by the Babylonians over 4,000 years ago, however in the U.S. it was 106 years ago yesterday that the governor of Washington proclaimed the first Father’s Day. The day was the inspiration of a young woman named Sonora Louise Smart Dodd who got the idea while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon. Sonora felt strongly for fathers because of the affection she received from her own father, Mr. William Jackson Smart. Sonora’s mother died in childbirth and Mr. Smart, a civil war veteran, raised the newborn Sonora and five other children with love and care. As Sonora sat in her pew she wondered why there was a day to celebrate mothers and not fathers.

Inspired by Anna Jarvis’s struggle to promote Mother’s Day, Ms. Dodd began a rigorous campaign to celebrate Father’s Day in US. The Spokane Ministerial Association and the local YMCA supported Sonora’s cause. As a result Spokane celebrated its first Father’s Day on June 19, 1910. Though there was initial hesitation the idea gained gradual popularity all over US and Father’s Day came to be celebrated in cities across the country.

Grace and peace,
The Rev’d Heather Blackstone

CHEERS FOR 75 YEARS! Buy your tickets to “Cheers for 75 Years Wine Tour and Tasting” to be eligible to win a bottle of Sunstone 2005 Chardonnay. All those who buy their tickets by the end of June will be eligible for the raffle. Seating is limited, so get your tickets today after Church in the close or online HERE

SUMMER SUPPER SOCIALS! If you would like to participate as a guest or host in our summer events (picnics, pool parties, lunches, dinner parties as hosts determine) please contact committee chair Nancy Dini at

RECTORY WALK-THROUGH A walk-through of the renovated Rectory will be offered later in June and to be announced. The Rectory is near-ready for lease.

The Lessons for Pentecost Six, June 26th

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. , and articles from the national Episcopal News Service



Private Tour of Samaria and Jerusalem Rooms, Westminster Abbey.


Westminster Abbey.

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Canterbury Cathedral


St. Edmund’s Altar Guild Members at display of Pascal Candles designed by Canterbury’s Altar Guild.


Before the High Altar at St. Edmunsbury Cathedral.


Altar Guild Members with two kneelers for the Cathedral by the Guild of St. Edmund’s, San Marino in the 1960’s.


Edmund Sculpture on the Close.


Trinity College in Cambridge. Entrance to the Chapel.


Arundel Castle.

Please visit the Church’s facebook page for more photos of the Pilgrimage.

June 26th, 2016

Preacher & Celebrant: GFW+

Prelude: “My Heart, Ever Faithful”
-J.S. Bach

Processional #625 “Ye Holy Angels Bright”

Gradual Hymn: #658 “Lead Us Heavenly Father”

Offertory: “Herzlich tut mich Velangent” – Johannes Brahams

Communion Music: “Lord, Open Wide The Heavens” – J.S. Bach

Communion: #341 “Lord For The Bread Which You Have Broken”

Recessional Hymn: #518 “Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation”

Postlude: “Now Thank We All Our God” – J.S. Bach