Founded in 1942, St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church in San Marino, California is a mid-size church serving the West San Gabriel Valley with a mission to receive and share God’s accepting grace, challenging wisdom, and transforming love. St. Edmund’s is an inclusive community, striving to build bridges and further understanding among the diverse populations of our area. Besides traditional Sunday services, parishioners participate in and support a variety of local charities, including Hillsides Home for Children (an institution of the Episcopal Church providing foster care and advocacy for children and youth), Union Station (an organization dedicated to the integration of the homeless into society), the Pasadena Bad Weather Shelter, offering shelter and dinner to homeless families and singles throughout the Winter months, the Kensington Home (an Episcopal institution providing for the elderly), and much else. International efforts focus on the Foundation Cristosal, working in Human Rights, Development, and Ecclesiastical efforts in El Salvador with our Companion Diocese of El Salvador, with Healing Hearts Across Borders, serving 700 persons per quarter in deprived barrios of Tijuana, AMOS working in Nicaragua, and much else. We count ourselves among the blessed, striving in solidarity with our sisters and brothers as God offers light and direction.