STEDY, September 19
It was a raisin, a simple baked- in- the- sun former grape and students were told it was going to take at least five minutes
It was a raisin, a simple baked- in- the- sun former grape and students were told it was going to take at least five minutes
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events September September 18 SENS Board Meeting September 19: A Conversation with Noah Bulluck September 23: Altar Guild Event
Join us on Oct. 13 from 4:00 – 5:30 pm for our Fall “FunRaiser” at San Antonio Winery in Los Angeles. We will enjoy wine
The small group meetings to take the Parish Survey have been very successful. Over seventy surveys have been submitted to date. The last small group
Sunday, October 7 10 am on the Close Bring your pet to church for a special blessing. If your pet doesn’t travel well, a photo
September 23 Preacher & Celebrant: Rev. Dr. William J. Doggett Prelude: Chorale Prelude on “O Wie Selig” – Healy Willan Processional Hymn: #512 “Come, Gracious
Now that the nursery school has begun, you will need to access the Church office through the gate on San Gabriel Boulevard between the Sanctuary
l-r: Gail Rolfe, Bob Dini, Nancy Dini, Fernando Urena, Sterling Trenberth, Patti Specht, Anne Sirimane, Andy Mar, Angela Mar, Kimberly Schugart, Verger Faught, Cynthia Schulte,
For the past year our parish bookkeeper Gladys Vasquez has worked with a friend and fellow artisan to create Molcajete Dominguero, a monthly Latinx pop-up
THINGS THEY ARE A’CHANGIN’ …OR ARE THEY? We’ve had some inquiries about “changes” at the church, particularly with respect to the service and our Sunday