Join us on Oct. 13 from 4:00 – 5:30 pm for our Fall “FunRaiser” at San Antonio Winery in Los Angeles. We will enjoy wine tasting, an assortment of antipasti and hors d’oeuvres, and a guided tour of the winery. Receipt of your check, for $50 per person, and payable to “St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church,” is your RSVP. Please note “Fall FunRaiser” and number of reservations in the memorandum. Amy Hulick will collect checks on the Close on Sundays, or they may be mailed to the church office: PO BOX 80038 San Marino, CA 91118. Donations in addition to reservations are appreciated, and carpools are encouraged. Watch for the invitation in Sunday Bulletins and via e-mail this week! Contact Amy Hulick (626) 840-5352 or with anyquestions.