We’ve had some inquiries about “changes”
at the church, particularly with respect to the service and our Sunday bulletin. Fr. Bill will be addressing some of the changes and the reasons behind
them in the upcoming Magna Carta.
A few questions have come up about things that do not actually represent changes, however. We will address some of them here.
Q: Are we still using the Prayers of the People written by Fr. George?
A: Yes. No change.
Q: Why did Fr. Bill introduce periods of silence?
A: The periods of silence have always been indicated in the bulletin; they are now being observed more distinctly.
Q: Are the periods of silence different in length and why?
A: They are the same length.
Q: Why is there a period of silence after the Old Testament reading but not the New Testament reading?
A: That is the way the bulletin has traditionally indicated them; there is no change here and also no knowledge of how the two periods were originally selected.
If you have more questions, do let us know! The fact that we are “in transition” may be leading to more acute observations of the service and bulletin, and we can all learn from the questions about changes–real or not!
The small group meetings to take the Parish Survey have been very successful. About eighty surveys have been submitted to date. The final small group meetings were held last Sunday.
If you haven’t been able to attend, but would like to complete a survey independently, it can be mailed to you by contacting Michael Harrigian at mharrigian@sbcglobal.net or Gail Rolfe at calrolfes@gmail.com.
For those who have surveys at home, please note that compilation of the responses will begin on October 1st, so please return your survey to Michael, Gail or the church office by then.
The survey provides an opportunity to express your view of St. Edmund’s as it is today and your hopes for its future and it is vital that everyone participate in order to ensure a complete and accurate description of our parish for new rector candidates. The results of the survey will be compiled, presented to the parish and used by the Search Committee in identifying the permanent rector best suited to our needs.
During this phase, it will be important to remain active in our parish life, not just in the transition events, but also by attending services regularly; participating in the summer socials, adult education and other parish ministries; attending the fall fundraiser on October 13th; keeping your pledges current; and sharing your questions and concerns with the Transition Committee.
The Rev. Dr. William J. Doggett is now serving as interim rector at St. Edmund’s. He generally expects to be in the church office Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from late morning to early evening each week, and will be working from his home on Fridays. He is available in the office or by telephone during those times. He can be reached by email at
rector@saintedmunds.org or by cell: (202)421-3061
We are blessed that Mother Judy will remain the person to contact for pastoral care, both for new and continuing situations and including the homebound parishioners. We also have a fully trained and commissioned Lay Pastoral Team that is assisting Mother Judy in our care of our housebound parishioners.
If you would like to request pastoral care for a parishioner or for yourself,
please first contact
Isabel in the church office during the workweek at
626-793-9167 and she will contact Mo. Judy or
Fr. Bill.
If you need to contact someone when the church office is closed, please call Mo. Judy directly at (909) 392-4898 (home) or (626) 484-1915 (cell),
and she will make the decision as to the best way to support you.