Mark your calendars for these upcoming events
September 30: Mass on the Grass – Annual family service and picnic at the Angeloffs.
October 1 & 2: SENS Blessing of the Animals Chapel
October 7: Blessing of the Animals
October 7: Youth Trip to Haunted Hayride – contact Heather Blackstone for details
October 8: Church Office for Indigenous People’s Day
October 9: Novel Pack (Women’s Book Club)
at Karen Harrigian’s Home – contact Debra Spaulding for more details.
October 13: Fall Fun(d)raiser at San Antonio Winery – stay tuned for more details.
October 14: Parish Breakfast
October 16: Men’s Breakfast
October 19: SENS Fall Festival
October 28: Youth Trip to see “The Nightmare Before Christmas” at the El Capitan.
October 30 & 31: SENS Halloween Parade
11 Parish Breakfast
12 SENS and Church Offices Closed
18 Feast of St. Edmund
19-23 SENS Closed for Thanksgiving Break