St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Vestry, 2015


Class of 2015

Gail Rolfe
Carolyn Seitz
Alan Steinbrecher; Senior Warden
Bill Youngblood

Class of 2016

Jim Balbin
Jose Guerrero
John Miller
Sylvia Smith

Class of 2017

Amy Hulick
Danny Jones
Bob Mueller
Brad Thurlow

Vestry meets in Retreat February 21st.

“Eternal God, who by the Holy Spirit presided at the Council of the Apostles to guide them in knowledge and truth: Be present to the Vestry Members and Wardens of our parish. In time of passion give them quiet spirits, in complex issues give them clear minds, and in moments of decision grant them discerning hearts. Guide them in all things to seek your glory and the good of your Church, through Christ our Lord. Amen.”