As Moses and his slave people wandered a figurative 40 years in the wilderness, emerging with fresh identity, and as Jesus commenced his ministry with 40 days of struggle in the wild places, so Episcopalians arrive again at our Forty Day Lenten Season, a tithe of the year to the work of ongoing internal renovation and alliance with the greater purposes of God afoot among us.
I invite you to the observance of a Holy Lent by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by meditating on Holy Scripture.
The Imposition of Ashes will be offered in the Chapel at Noon and 6pm this coming Ash Wednesday. Private confession is available by appointment.
To the Work at hand,
The Great Litany
Children’s Homily
Youth Confirmation
Organ Recital with James Vail
Lenten Supper and Class
Anne Herold shares a wonderful conversation between Bishop Nick Knisely and physicist and monastic Geoffrey Tristram on the intersection of the Science of Time and Christian Faith. The Society of St. John the Evangelist is one of the oldest monastic orders in the American Episcopal Church.
St. Edmund’s Parish LOCAL & GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP (LGP) will meet after Church in the Library Sunday February 22nd, and you are encouraged to join the confab!
- Bad Weather Shelter
- Ronald McDonald House
- LA Food Bank
- Compton Initiative update
- Cristosal update
- Escrip update
- Healing Hearts Across Borders
- Walk-in Brown Bags/Resources List
- New ideas for one-off service outings
- Committee chair/review our role
Parenting Class meets twice a month on Sundays from 7-8:30pm in the Library. Our next two meetings are on March 1 and March 15. There is no class on February 22. The book we are now reading is Brainstorm by Daniel Siegel, MD. Chapter 2 will be discussed on March 1
TO DO LIST! Sign up for St. Edmund’s E-Scrip!
The appointed Lessons to be used for The First Sunday in Lent, February 22nd, may be found HERE.
Reyna Palapa and Pam Risinger joined the weekend medical trip to Tijuana sponsored by Healing Hearts Across Borders. Reyna is here shown at translation work. Pam Risinger conveyed (in two trips!) our ingathering of sweaters and sweat-shirts, and 18 bolts of fabric donated by Henry Woodward. Thank you Pam and Reyna!
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE