Edmund’s 16th Century monks received dis-honorable mention on last Sunday’s Masterpiece Classic presentation of the excellent “Wolf Hall” Episode Five. As St. Edmund’s Abbey is considered for confiscation, Cromwell is presented with a box of relics, containing the Saint’s fingernail clippings. “The man must have had 500 fingers!” exclaims Cromwell! Television is rarely this good.
Summer Social Season Kicks Off at the Woodward home May 16th, and you’re all invited.
You may create your own Summer Social Offering, as so many do (dinners, brunch, park events, pool parties…use your noggin!), and if you would like to do so, please contact our Committee Chair, Nancy Dini at ncgbos@aol.com
Applause for our Committee Members Nancy & Bob Dini, Jane & Tom Glover, Vicki & Brad Martinez, Susan Heard, and Kimberly Schugart.
St. Edmund’s Nursery School just won highest applauds in the San Gabriel Valley for the Third Year running! Next issue of Edmund’s Notes, we’ll show you the certificate proper-like.
I will be out-of-office Wednesday – Friday for my Uncle’s funeral in Los Altos, for whom your prayers are asked (William Paul McGrew) with Canon Smythe on call.
Richard Seymour, soloist, and Lesli Beard, Flautist, will revive my soul together with our Choir and all of you as we gather in worship and celebration of Mother’s Day (9am Breakfast, Children’s Homily) and Easter Six this coming Sunday.
Eastertide blessings,
Antiphon: ” You shall make holy garments for Aaron, for glory and for beauty.”
Priest: O LORD our God, clothe your ministers with righteousness.
People: And let your people sing with joy!
Let us pray:
O God, you revealed your Son clothed in majesty and glory. Accept these stoles for the use of the priests of your Church, and bless them in the Triune Name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit+ that, being clothed with humility as they minister to you, they may show forth your eternal splendor. Amen.
Our prayers join all prayers for those suffering in Nepal, and EPISCOPAL RELIEF & DEVELOPMENT issues a statement on the Earthquake tragedy.
Congratulations to Win Mordecai for qualifying for both California State Debate Championships and National Debate Championship in 2015!
Last week Olivia Harrigian earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, and was made, at San Marino High School, the Girl’s State Representative 2015 (her Dad was Boy’s State Rep.
Gentlemen, mark your calendars. We breakfast at the Hennacys on Tuesday, May 12. You can RSVP Hal or Marguerite. Guests are welcome.
-Fr. Colville
The Anglican Communion website may be viewed HERE.
The appointed Lessons for The Sixth Sunday in Easter, May 10th, may be found HERE.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE