Many have asked after Jim Schlanser, who would welcome visits from friends at Huntington Care Center across from the Santa Anita Mall at Huntington and Holly in Arcadia.
Our Acolytes have initiated the commissioning of a handsome wall-plaque in honor of First Among The Faithful and Mentor to so many Acolytes through the decades, and we remain in good hope that Jim will be well enough to join us for the unveiling of the honorific one Sunday shortly. Please keep Jim, his husband Keith Ho, and his family in prayer.
On happier note, Heather Blackstone is on-board. She put her office in order and was making pastoral phone calls on her first day, and with dazzling speed. The office staff are pleased and impressed, and you will soon be also.
Peace and blessing,
75th Anniversary News
One dimension to our 2016 anniversary celebrations might be an Edmund’s 75th Heritage Tour to East Anglia and Southern England. Hit the blue links here to have a look! Lavenham would be a terrific base from which to visit Bury St. Edmund’s, Cambridge and Ely Cathedral, and the Lodge at Canterbury offers perfect access to Canterbury Cathedral. London is replete with opportunity. A departure date June 13th, 2016 has been suggested. Speak to the Rector if this is of interest to you!
The San Marino Tribune recently offered a terrific salute to parishioner Bob Dini
In a Resolution submitted by the Program Group on Global Partnership from the Diocese of Los Angeles, (GFW Chair) approved by the Church in Convention, greater assistance urged for persecuted Christians.
Archbishop’s homily at Princess Charlotte’s baptism.
Episcopalian Bishops reject divestment from Israel.
The appointed Lessons for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost ( Lectors follow Track Two).
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE