St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Second Sunday After Epiphany, January 18th, 2015

Lenten Classes…I know, it is only just Epiphany…but electronic smudges on electronic calendars occur weeks out; hence, announcement time:

Lenten Table Talk Classes will occur over a Simple Supper from 5pm to 6:30pm Sundays in Lent, with dinner, a short presentation by the clergy, guided table conversation followed by Q & A, and then prayer and dismissal.

For Adults interested in becoming Confirmed Episcopalians (or who desire to be Received from Orthodox or Roman Catholic traditions into the Anglican Communion), this might not be a bad way to get a jump on the more focused Adult Confirmation Classes to be held Sunday afternoons in Easter Season!

Confirmation by Bishop Glasspool is scheduled for St. Edmund’s on September 13th, 2015.

We will want five persons (or small groups) to host one of each of the five Table Talk Suppers. Cheryl Mendoza will handle set-up, but we need people willing to provide dinner fare or coordinate potlucks, and offer a little wash-up. I, for example, will likely host one evening and make a big batch of spectacular but-not-too-hot Chili.

Watch for sign up sheets in the Narthex shortly, or express you interest through our secretary Isabel Roa.

Is this where I say “How ’bout them Buckeyes!?”

A Blessed Epiphanytide,

1. Assistant Youth Leader: The parish is seeking a youth leader to assist Dani Patterson in her duties as Youth Minister to St. Edmund’s. This is a quite part-time position of about ten hours a week, focused on Middle Schoolers with a primary emphasis on Sunday activities. Should you know potential candidates, please contact the Rector.

2. We are looking for a volunteer Sunday school teacher for the grade 2-3 class once a month. Please Contact Cassandra Stadtler

NO Youth Confirmation Class January 18th this MLK weekend

Fascinating video clip of a Rock Balancer

The appointed Lessons to be used for The Second Sunday After the Epiphany, January 18th may be found HERE.

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE