This Sixth Day of Christmas December 30th, we look back on a joyous beginning to our Twelve Day Season, with so many working so hard to bring the celebrations to full throttle…Altar Guild, Sunday School children and teachers, our Bell Choir, Choir and guest musicians; our plethora of servers, and, most significantly, those who came to worship and bend the knee at the manger of Emmanuel, God with us.
Together we gave witness to a God who suffuses and indwells human life and all creation, and the thrall of that worship poises us in right attitude for an unfolding 2015 upon us.
Seize time for family, friends, football, or a saunter in the mountains…and see you at prayer!
A Blessed Christmastide and Happy New Year all!
Men’s Breakfast Group meets January 6th (The Feast of The Epiphany) at 6:30am at the Hennacy Home
Our Early Christmas Liturgy 2014 may be viewed on the Parish Facebook Page, and here on the Parish website.
A few lovely pieces from Advent Lessons & Carols on YouTube:
Basque Carol
The Call of Wisdom
O Gracious Light
The appointed Lessons to be used for The Second Sunday of Christmas January 4th may be found HERE (Reading St. Luke’s Gospel).
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE.