The Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett is our prospective interim rector for St. Edmund’s during our transition. Fr. Bill is originally from the San Francisco Bay Area but lived in Washington DC with his family for eighteen years before moving to Rancho Mirage last summer.
He earned his M.Div. from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific and was ordained in 1995. His PhD. in Liturgical Students is from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California and his dissertation topic was hymns and hymnals for children. He has served as Assistant or interim Rector for a number of parishes in the Washington DC area.
Before becoming a priest, he worked as a musician, teacher and theater artist. His published works include children’s books, hymns and scholarly works. He also designs and makes liturgical vestments and paraments.
Bill’s spouse of twenty-seven years, Matt Barman, recently died after a long illness. The two of them have two adult sons and three young grandchildren who have been systematically and joyfully spoiled rotten by their grandparents. In what little spare time he has, Bill enjoys playing the recorder, cooking and scuba diving.
The Lessons for the Third Sunday of Pentecost, June 17th HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service