Last Week, Fourth Easter, traditionally known as “Good Shepherd Sunday,” gave witness that our Lord has raised up a mighty flock of Alpha-Sheep at St. Edmund’s!
Just last week Olivia Harrington earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, and was made, at San Marino High School, the Girl’s State Representative 2015 (her Dad was Boy’s State Rep some few years prior!). Olivia’s strong values are shaped in no small part by her parish interactions…she interviewed many of our World War Two Vets at a recent Men’s Group, and (quite post-WW2), it was remarked around town that, though many knew Al and Tori Mordecai, they only learned of Al’s distinguished Navy service through Olivia’s blog.
“He is one of the fastest-working pitchers in the business” wrote Mitch Lehman about Titans pitcher Nate Rolfe, and if you haven’t seen him on the pitcher’s mound, you’ve seen Nate hurling a Thurbile full of Glastonbury incense up and down the aisle at St. Edmunds! This is the second San Marino Tribune article on Nate Rolfe in a month, and there was another a few months back on his contributions to a space station project (I think Ryan Puri was mentioned in that article too).
Our worship and our common life is shaped in marvelous ways by our young-folk, who make us proud, make our worship, constitute existential components of our raison de etre, and otherwise bring Joy to shared journey.
Our Youth Leadership are surely key to the ways in which our young people organize and form the rest of us, and it was terribly sad to bid adeui to our beloved Danielle Patterson, leaving for Graduate Work in Colorado.
We celebrated her years with us last Sunday with a happy Taco Fest following 10am liturgy:
Bless Dani, O Lord of Sacred Journey, all God’s people pray. Amen.
Five Reasons Why Young People Are Seeking Old Ways of Doing Church
Eastertide invocations on all thy pilgrim paths,
Our prayers join all prayers for those suffering in Nepal, and EPISCOPAL RELIEF & DEVELOPMENT issues a statement on the Earthquake tragedy.
An American Muslim objects to Muslim complaints over the assertion of Armenian Genocide.
THREE “Open Courses” from the Global School at Foundation Cristosal in El Salvador are immediately pending. “LGBT Rights and Diversity” June 22nd – 29th, and “Migration & Human Trafficking” July 11 – 18, with “Youth Activism in Human Rights” convening July 24 – 30. Other Global School Courses may be viewed HERE.
Gentlemen, mark your calendars. We breakfast at the Hennacys on Tuesday, May 12. You can RSVP Hal or Marguerite. Guests are welcome.
That WSJ column we discussed last breakfast has legs! This morning, Fr. George began his sermon with honorable mention of the Men’s Group for bringing it to his attention; then he went on to make a fine point about mobs being called to become communities of faithful livingl. Some of you said you’d like to continue or broaden the conversation, so we can talk about how we might do that. I have a fun quiz for you this month, and you will need to bring your Bible to look up some answers. The news headlines are just terrible these days, so I encourage you to say your prayers in the morning before you pick up the paper or turn on TV to watch news of our hurting world.
-Fr. Colville
The Anglican Communion website may be viewed HERE.
The appointed Lessons for The Fifth Sunday in Easter, May 3rd, may be found HERE.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE.