While 65% of people say their Legacy gifts are religiously motivated, only 5% provide for the Church in their Estate plans…so said Fr. Lorenzo Lebrija, Diocesan Development Officer, at a Canon’s Dinner at the Diocese Sunday night!
The Legacy Cocktail Party at the Wycoff Home this coming Sunday celebrates those at St. Edmund’s who have made provision for the Parish. The Wycoff’s also invite those who wish to learn more about the Legacy Society. Should you be interested in attending the event contact the Rector…it may not be too late!
Of the Feast of All Saints’ we reaffirm the bond between those who have gone before and those still in earthly pilgrimage; a strong tenet of our Faith. This coming Sunday the names of those who have died since The Feast of All Saints’ 2013 will be remembered in the Canon of the Mass. The office will need all names to be included by Wednesday.
Our goal for Stewardship pledges remains as ever the Feast of St. Edmund November 20th!
Christ ever with you; before and behind,
The appointed Lessons (Track Two) for The Feast of All Saints’, to be observed November 2nd may be found HERE.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE