St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Pentacost Twenty-Two, November 9th, 2014

The All Saints’ Triduum last weekend took a joyous approach to “Last Things” and Death itself! A few of us ventured the Dia de Los Muertos exhibition at the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach (with lunch following at very good Lola’s!). Then lively Sunday Liturgies with prayers for our dead, followed by a livelier yet Cocktail and HEAVY hors d’ oeuvres event at the Wycoffs for the Legacy Society, where we rather gladly ventured what we might do for St. Edmund’s in light of our own inevitable, unwanted, mortal frames!

Much of this in service to our young, who, as you see below, are being formed in Faith for lives of commitment and adventure.

I think I speak for all of us when I say we are lucky to travel this pilgrim way with one another…imperfect folk, whom, as our mission statement says:

“…strive to be honorable people in community, together making a useful difference in Christ’s Name!”

Christ ever with you; before and behind,

See the CBS interview with parishioner Nate Rolfe, who, unfortunately, lost his San Marino High School science experiment aboard the failed Antares rocket last week HERE.

Our next Novel Pack gathering will be a Christmas party on December 2 at Pam Risinger’s. We’ll have author and Novel Pack member Dianne Dixon as a guest speaker. Peruse one or both of Dianne’s recent novels (optional) should you wish! You’ll find them a terrific read:”The Book of Someday” or “The Language of Secrets”. This fun, social group will get the party started at 7pm!

The appointed Lessons (Track Two) for Pentecost Twenty-Two may be found HERE.

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE.

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