St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Feast of All Saints, November 1st, 2015

This coming Sunday we bless the Acolyte initiated plaque in honor of Jim Schlanser, who served this parish as Verger for decades, and whose recent death has so touched our hearts. Jim’s family will be present, as will many of the Acolytes for whom he served as mentor.

Sophisticated parishioners have recently been phoned scammed by quite adroit fraudsters, and encourage everyone to be skeptical about phone or internet attempts to persuade one to send a loved one financial assistance. This New York Times article addresses this growing problem.

Among our many reasons for gratitude at St. Edmund’s, we count Louise Crockett, who celebrates her 106th birthday this week. “Only the good die young baby!” Louise said to me recently.

Christ be in you,

The appointed lessons for next Sunday, November 1st, The Feast of All Saints’, (Track Two).

Do you have any old photos of St. Edmund’s from years past? 1940s and each decade thereafter are what we hope to find. We are searching for photos of families, church events and milestones, Christmas plays and current parishioners at younger ages. Dave Ford is collecting photos to be used in publications during our 75 th anniversary year in 2016. They can be scanned and emailed to Dave or he can take originals to scan and return to you. Please send them with your name and any captions you can. Thank you!

Helpful parenting article.

A troubling article from The Guardian on the fate of those deported back to Central America from the U.S.

We are missing 2 fold up tables from the Fellow’s Hall closet (the one outside) where the Bell Choir stores it’s equipment. They are your standard beige acrylic tables like the ones you buy at Costco. If anyone knows where they may have ended up, or know if someone has borrowed them, please let me know. The Bell Choir will be performing in a few weeks, and they are in a quandry as to where their tables have gone.
Thanks! Rob Hovencamp

Pam Hueckel, parishioner until her move down the 210 corridor, is offering a class at PCC on Saturday November 14th from 1pm to 4pm. Register by phone 626.585/7608 (Course No. 3239X)
or online at

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE

The arrival of the children's Halloween parade to the Altar (Left) and birthday blessings for Allison Dietrich and Tony Faught (Right)
The arrival of the children’s Halloween parade to the Altar (Left) and birthday blessings for Allison Dietrich and Tony Faught (Right)


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Next time you are in Washington D.C. visiting the Episcopal National Cathedral, the sixth largest Cathedral in the world, make certain to visit the Resurrection Chapel in the undercroft, where the frescoes and mosaics were achieved by John De Rosen, responsible also for our Mosaic and our Baptism Fresco.