Each year the Altar Guild at St. Edmund’s seeks donations for Easter Flowers. Your generous gifts during this time also help to off-set costs for flowers for the remainder of the year. While we continue to worship virtually, our Easter service will continue this year to include the tradition of modestly filling the Church with Easter lilies and spring flowers as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
St. Edmund’s also relies on Easter offerings each year which normally would be generated during the offertory during live services. Since our operating budget relies on both of these offerings, and as we still cannot be together in-person, we ask that you consider mailing your Flower donations and Easter gifts.
For your Easter flower remembrance of, and/or thanks for, loved ones and blessings and for your 2021 Easter offering, please mail to:
St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 80038, San Marino, CA 91118
Attn: Isabel Cazares.
The Altar Guild along with all of us here at St. Edmund’s thanks you for your continued support and wishes you and your family a safe and blessed Easter!