This weekend was packed with Socials
The Hennacy’s Hosted a lovely summer brunch
Left-right: Hal Hennacy, Billie Youngblood Knolle, Sterling Trenbreth, Julie Quinn, Andy Mar, Marguerite Hennacy, Fernando Urena, Beverly Brown, Angela Mar
(John Quinn photographer)
The Harrington’s Social
left -right: Brian Spaulding, Liz Westphal, Ed McCracken, Ron Harrington, Debra Spaulding, Paul Westphal,
Diane McCracken (Michelle Harrington, photographer)
Social at the Ford’s
left-right at table 1:John Miller, Carleen Miller, Dave Ford,
Jeff Moreton, Eli Moreton, Julie Quinn,
left-right at table 2: Ben Henley, Karie Henley, John Quinn
Carrie Ford, photographer
Rolf Summer Social
left-right: Patty Tsai, Veronica Guerrero, Brad Thurlow, Steve Rolfe, Gail Rolfe, Susan Heard, Laverne Ching
(Jose Guerrero, Photographer)
Final Family Summer Social
Sunday, August 26th
5 pm – 7 pm
The Close at St. Edmund’s
A welcome to Father Bill Doggett and
an open house for the new parish offices.
A potluck light buffet will be served with
wine and beer.
There will be face painting, games and
slip ‘n slide for the kids.
Please RSVP to Nancy Dini at