God told Abram: “Leave your country, your family,
and your father’s home for a land that I will show you.
I’ll make you a great nation
and bless you.
I’ll make you famous; you’ll be a blessing.
I’ll bless those who bless you;
those who curse you I’ll curse.
All the families of the Earth will be blessed through you.”
Genesis 12:1-3
When I was in seminary and then working on ordination, my aunt, who works for Delta, would provide me with buddy passes to travel back and forth to Maine. An employee perk, these plane tickets are deeply discounted with the stipulation that you can only fly standby. In the years before 9/11 this was easy. I always got on the flight I wanted and was usually seated in first class. After 9/11 everything changed. Airlines cut back on flights and the few that remained were severely overbooked. The Christmas just after the attack I spent two whole days in LAX running from gate to gate, attempting to get on anything that would place me somewhere in the vicinity of New England. On one of the numerous calls to my aunt who was guiding me from her office in Dallas, she told me to never sit still. As soon as I knew I wasn’t getting on a flight, I needed to look for the next one and so on. After years of traveling on standby my aunt is an expert and when asked how she is able to secure seats during a peak travel time she will repeat that phrase,
“never sit still”.
That advice has stuck in my head and often comes to mind when thinking about spirituality. If we want to deepen our faith or get closer to God, then we can’t sit still assuming that will happen on its own. If we want to strengthen our walk we need to actually walk and let God physically guide us to new opportunities where we can experience God differently and more completely.
~ Upcoming Events ~
Sunday, October 8
Team 2 Acolyting
Recognition of Darlene Porter & Installation of Liz Westphal
as Director of St. Edmund’s Nursery School.
Family Worship
10 am | Chapel
Friday, October 13
SENS Fall Festival
3:30-6:30 pm
Sunday, October 15
Team 3 Acolyting
Family Worship
10 am | Chapel
Sunday School
10:30 am | Sunday School Classrooms
Teaching: Shawna, Allison, Antonio and Heather
Sunday, October 22
Team 4 Acolyting
Family Worship
10 am | Chapel
Sunday School
10:30 am | Sunday School Classrooms
Teaching: Rebecca, Antonio and Heather
Saturday, October 28
Haunted Hayride
LA Zoo
Tickets are $30 a person.
Please RSVP Here.
Sunday, October 29
Confirmation Sunday
Visit from Bishop Bruce
Send -Off for the Smythes
Please join us as we celebrate our confirmands and
as we say a very hard “goodbye” to Father Colville and Sylvia.
Sunday, November 5
Team 1 Acolyting
Family Worship
10 am | Chapel
Christmas Pageant Rehearsals
10:30 am | Sunday School Classrooms
Teaching: Antonio and Heather
Sunday, November 12
Team 2 Acolyting
Family Worship
10 am | Chapel
Christmas Pageant Rehearsals
10:30 am | Sunday School Classrooms
Teaching: Antonio and Heather
Goat Yoga
Noon | The Close
Spanky and Pippen are two Nigerian dwarf goats who want to come to St. Edmund’s!
Photo ops and petting zoo will be available after church,
followed by an hour long class starting at noon.
Please RSVP if you are interested, class will be $25 per person.
Spaces can be purchased online https://saintedmunds.org/st-edmunds-goat-yoga/