“Skin was earth; it was soil. I could see, even on my own skin, the joined trapezoids of dust specks God had wetted and stuck with his spit the morning he made Adam from dirt. Now, all these generations later, we people could still see on our skin the inherited prints of the dust specks of Eden.
I loved this thought, and repeated it for myself often. I don’t know where I got it; my parents cited Adam and Eve only in jokes. Someday I would count the trapezoids, with the aid of a mirror, and learn precisely how many dust specks Adam comprised – one single handful God wetted, shaped, blew into, and set firmly into motion and left to wander about in the fabulous garden bewildered.”
– Annie Dillard
Almighty God, you have created us out of the dust of the earth;
may these ashes be to us a sign of our mortality and penitence,
so we may remember that only by your gracious gift
are we given everlasting life;
through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Personal Devotions
This Lenten season you may be wanting more time alone with God. Join our daily online devotion that will guide you through a meditation, scripture and prayer.
Devotions can take as little as 10 minutes or as much time as you have.
Send an email of request to Heather.
Daily devotions will arrive via email Monday through Saturday mornings. The first devotion will arrive on
Ash Wednesday and continue to Holy Saturday.
Print outs will also be available in the Narthex each Sunday.
Christianity & World Religions Class
Tuesdays in Lent
9 am in the Library
Explore the major world religions and the beliefs of their followers.
Come for one session or all five.
March 7: Hinduism
March 14: Buddhism
March 21: Islam
March 28: Judaism
April 4: Christianity
For more information or for childcare please contact Heather.
Interactive Stations of the Cross
Lent has begun and as we prepare to celebrate Easter in a few short weeks the youth of all ages are working together to create an interactive Stations of the Cross which will be set up around the Close during Holy Week. Our students are dividing up into teams to create the various stations, if you would like to participate in any way please contact Antonio or Heather.
Easter Eggs Collection
We are collecting plastic Easter eggs for our famous and massive Easter egg hunt. Eggs can be either empty or filled, we are also welcoming bags of candy and treats for the piñata. All donations can be left in the Bride’s Room, the church office or given to Heather or Antonio.
Deeds Day April 2nd
Good Deeds Day is an annual tradition of good deeds. All over the world, hundreds of thousands choose to volunteer and help others, putting into practice the simple idea that every single person can do something good, be it large or small, to improve the lives of others and positively change the world.
Our Sunday school will be participating in this by collecting special items for Foothill Unity and Friends in Need.
Items requested are cereal, laundry detergent and toiletries.
Donations can be left in the Bride’s Room, the church office or given to Antonio Bartolome or Heather Blackstone.