Sunday, May 5 at 4:00 PM
Frederick Burgomaster, DMA, SMM, AAGO
Canon Organist & Choirmaster Emeritus
Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis
Sunday May 12 at 4:00 PM
Ty Woodward
Former Dean of the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Guild of Organists; Commission of Liturgy and Music for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles; Organist at First United Methodist Church, Santa Monica; Staff Organist at Disney’s El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood.
Sunday, May 19 at 4:00 PM
Robert Hovencamp
Organist Choirmaster of St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church
Saturday, June 1st 2pm ARTES VOCALES
St. Edmund’s is pleased to announce the return of Artes Vocales. More to follow!