St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

THE SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT, February 25th, 2018

The Valentine’s Day massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida last week has provoked an admirable response from affected students, ready to summon politicians to accountability for their subservience to the gun-lobby and inaction on gun control legislation (HERE). Their assumption of civic responsibility against a back-drop of apathy is heartening, as they call for a March 24 “March For Our Lives” (HERE) in Washington D.C.

More happily, Canon Smythe was released from hospital on President’s Day, and continues his recovery at home, vowing, predictably but perhaps prematurely, to return this week to his duties at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Casa Grande, Arizona.

Gail Rolfe has returned from the annual board meeting of Cristosal (HERE) in El Salvador. Ask her what Cristosal is up to as it expands further into Guatemala and Honduras and continues its role as the leading Human Rights organization in Central America.

Shannon Snaer presided at the Chapel Children’s Liturgy February 18th as Antonio Bartolome and the Reverend Heather Blackstone traveled to Santa Barbara for a wedding. Bless you Shannon!

Last week, in celebration of ‘The Year of The Dog’ this Chinese New Year, Angela Mar treated the Parish of St. Edmund’s to post-liturgy Moon Cakes!

Lent Madness 2018 (HERE) is underway! Pam Payne or Eli and Jeff Moreton will help you catch up and fill in your brackett!

Grace and peace,

The Lessons for the Second Sunday in Lent, Februay 25th HERE

Natalia Hicks recommends a good NYT article on giving up plastics for Lent in the Church of England HERE

The intrigue of Empathy HERE

How does personality develop? HERE

Pride beats Guilt in promoting environmentally responsible behavior HERE

Bilingualism may protect against Alzheimer’s HERE

Materialism in marriage linked to devaluation of marriage HERE

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service