St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


HEAD OF SCHOOL, Ms. Darlene Porter, announces her retirement, with intent to assist in transition in all ways desired.

Ms. Porter began teaching at St. Edmund’s in 1993 following the graduation of her youngest daughter from St. Edmund’s Nursery School. She holds a BA in Human Development with an emphasis in Early Childhood Education, and was called by the Rector to be Head of School in 2005, achieving yet new levels of excellence for our school and the children we serve.

Ms. Porter has assembled an exceptional staff, upgraded technology, established security for the campus, let the school into continued profitability, and further enhanced the reputation of St. Edmund’s School, as reflected in our #1 rating in the San Gabriel Valley in the past four successive years.

The School Board, the Vestry and the Rector hold Darlene Porter in utmost esteem, and are determined to press forward in ways that honor the legacy she leaves.

Our Head of School Search Committee is comprised of:

Ms. Diane McCracken; Chair
The Reverend Heather Blackstone; Director of Youth and Childrens Ministries
Ms. Lisa Cloud; Outgoing School Board Chair
Ms. Shigemi Pang; Current School Board Chair
Ms. Debra Spaulding; SENS Executive Committee

The Search Committee is working with the Commission on Schools for the Diocese of Los Angeles to discern appropriate candidates for the position of Head of School, from which the Rector will select our next Head of School.

Please keep the selection process in your prayers, and pray also for Darlene Porter, who has served St. Edmund’s Parish so extremely well, as she mulls the contours of retirement. We plan to celebrate Ms. Porter’s ministry and service as this process unfolds, and are extremely grateful for her leadership among us.