St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

PENTECOST TWENTY-THREE, November 12th, 2017

This Sunday the Close will be transformed into a magical harvest festival! Local handmade crafts will be available for sale as well as tacos and cupcakes. There will be games and face painting for the kids and our verger will be whipping up his famous margaritas. At noon, a space will be cleared for a yoga class with two special guests, Spanky and Pippin. These dwarf goats will jump, play and entertain participants and spectators. The two will also be around before class for playing and photos.

If you would like to be added to the yoga waitlist or if you will need childcare during the class, please contact Rev. Heather Blackstone or 626-793-9167.


Pledges, for budget purposes, are greatly encouraged by November 20th, the Feast of St. Edmund, as is our annual custom…though pledges are greatfully received throughout the year!

Second Sunday Parish Breakfast coming on November 12th courtesy of Julie Quinn!
Seasonal Fruit
Whole-Grain Pancakes
Please let the Office know you’re coming 626.793.9167

Study of religious affiliation at time of death HERE

The value of acknowledging adolescent perspectives HERE

The Lessons for Pentecost Twenty-Three (Track Two), November 12, 2017 HERE

Remember with Gratitude the Veterans who have served our Country this Veterans’ Day, November 11th
american flag

Prayers continue for Cheryl and Gary Mendoza, both recovering from serious surgeries in Orlando, Florida. Sheree Tyler paid them a visit last week…and they all went to Disneyland, Orlando! Hence, healing is transpiring, and prayers are supporting a tangible recovery.

Men’s Breakfast meets at a new time…7am…on November 14th as we commence a study of the Gospel of Luke. Contact Hal Hennacy to confirm breakfast attendance at 3531 San Pasqual, Pasadena 91107, 626.792.1882 (Breakfast is prepared, not by Hal, thanks be, but by wonderful Marguerite!)

Closer friends, sharper memory HERE

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service