This coming Saturday from 10am to 1pm the Candidates for Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Los Angeles will be present for discussion and evaluation at Campbell Hall (the Episcopal School in Studio City) Laurel Canyon Boulevard. For info at the Diocesan paper HERE, and for directions HERE.
The Candidates to succeed The Right Reverend +J. Jon Bruno are:
The Rev. Paul Fromberg, rector of St. Gregory of Nyssa, San Francisco
The Rev. Rachel Nyback, rector of St. Cross, Hermosa Beach
The Rev. Anna Olson, rector of St. Mary’s, (Mariposa Avenue) Los Angeles
The Rev. Canon John Taylor, vicar of St. John Chrysostom Church and School, Rancho Santa Margarita
The Rt. Rev. Pierre Whalon, bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe
The Rev. Mauricio Wilson, rector of St. Paul’s, Oakland, Calif.
Eli Moreton has WON the Amazon Smile Raffle, as parishioners pile on to support St. Edmund’s through their Amazon purchases!
Thank you to all of you who have already changed your url from to and selected St. Edmund’s as your charitable organization. If you have yet to join, and would like specific instruction, please consult with Jennifer Sherry at
We certainly do need adults and older youth to serve on our Sound Board, an “off the grid” dimension of our liturgical events (funerals, weddings, special events, and Sundays) which our Operational Budget does not provide. The Office or the Rector would be delighted to learn of your initiative to attain the skills necessary for this shared community service.
Matthew Harrington, Olivia Harrigian, Carolyn Schankwiler and other versed Youth provide leadership, and adult Michael Harrigian has pitched his hat into the ring, but there are almost no weeks on which we don’t require Sound Board Support, and apart from a not-presently-forthcoming line item for this in our annual operating budget, we are entirely dependent on volunteers.
VERGER TONY FAUGHT who runs much of St. Edmund’s off-screen life, is interested, now that Summer Socials are concluded, in promoting occasional Saturday or after Church Sunday casual brunch. Tony may be contacted at Tony is thinking of a preliminary meet up Saturday October 29th at T Phillips Alehouse in Old Town
Monrovia 11:30am.
PARISH BREAKFAST: Please join us for Autumnal breakfast this coming Sunday in the Parish Hall at 9am. The Menu will include: Seasonal Fruit, Spanish Vegetarian Tortilla, Pumpkin Pecan Coffee Cake. Reservations are desired in order to whip up the requisite amount of darn good eats, and may be made by contacting the Parish Office at
A Common Declaration between the Bishop of Rome and the Archbishop of Canterbury HERE.
John “Jack” Simpson’s Liturgy of Committal will be offered at Miramar National Cemetery, near La Jolla, Monday October 17th at 10am, Canon Woodward presiding.
Men’s Group: Our next date for breakfast is October 11-next Tuesday! Hal and Marguerite Hennacy will host us at 3531 San Pasqual. Come at 6:30am; bring your Bible, a flashlight if you have to, and a friend if you want to! We will look at Abraham’s last adventures in Genesis, chs. 22-26. And because you asked for it, we will begin to look at beloved and puzzling aspects of The Gospel of John. RSVP the Hennacys at 792-1882. We will be looking for you on the eleventh! Fr. Colville
The Paris Agreement Makes History HERE
Register now for a Saturday Workshop, 9am – 2pm at Cathedral Center “Jesus Among The Many Mosques” sponsored by the Program Group On Global Partnership HERE. 50 free tickets remaining.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
Kinetic Sand Drawing Tables HERE
Brother Michael Jones shares a chant of the Lord’s Prayer in contemporary Aramaic, resonant of what Jesus might have offered: HERE
The psychology behind Climate Change Denial HERE
The WSJ rates college rankings HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE
More Photos from The Blessing of the Animals on the Parish Facebook page HERE
The Old Mill in San Marino celebrated a landmark anniversary last Friday, with President John Quinn and his Spanish Conquistadora presiding from the balcony! Join the “El Molino Viejo”…the Old Mill (as I have) HERE!
Spring 2017
Women’s Retreat
There have been some requests for an overnight women’s retreat. Heather is willing to plan and lead this, if you think you might be interested please contact Heather at your earliest convenience.
June 2017
Ideas are being tossed around of offering a family friendly version of the heritage trip next summer. We would visit many of the same sites as last year’s trip as well as stops at the Tower of London, the Princess of Wales playground, and of course, Platform 9 ¾. If you are interested, please contact Heather or Antonio.