We are charged with the Stewardship of All Creation, and with urgency now in the Anthropocene Era (HERE) when humankind will either learn to preserve the Earth, or continue it’s destruction.
This coming Sunday is set aside for the Blessing of The Animals, an outside Mass on our Close when we will bless our animal friends (stuffed animals too!). We will also bless our children, who will inherit our present legacy, for ill and for good, in the care of God’s Creation.
Sunday temperatures promise to be, at 10am, still in the 70’s, but do wear hats and sunscreen. The Liturgy will be swift, with two readings, a fleeting homily, the Blessing of the Animals, and an outside Eucharist distributed in stations.
The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi is October 4th. Francis, a radical monastic who deferred his privileged upbringing for a life of humble service, and who had a prescient sense of the need to collaborate, rather than exploit, this Earth our Island Home, is celebrated at this Mass, and also at Nursery School observations of the Blessing of the Animals at 9am on Monday and Tuesday on the Close.
And so we incite awareness, and commit ourselves to right stewardship, as we gather to bless all God’s creatures, and to pray for an emergent spiritual environmentalism, as successive Archbishops of Canterbury and Western expressions of Anglicanism have so strongly urged.
John “Jack” Simpson’s Liturgy of Committal will be offered at Miramar National Cemetery, near La Jolla, Monday October 17th at 10am, Canon Woodward presiding.
Register now for a Saturday Workshop, 9am – 2pm at Cathedral Center “Jesus Among The Many Mosques” sponsored by the Program Group On Global Partnership HERE. 50 free tickets remaining.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE
Sunday September 25th: Name Tag announcement and Blessings