December 23
Preacher: Rev. Heather Blackstone
Celebrant: Rev. Dr. William Doggett
Micah 5:2-5a
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)
Psalm 80:1-7
Prelude: As Joseph Was a-Walking – Franklin Eddings
Processional Hymn: H292
“O Jesus, Crowned With All Renown”
Trisagion: S-102
Gradual Hymn: H265
“The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came” (1-2, 3-4)
Offertory: “The Star Carol” – Alfred Burt
Long years ago on a deep winter night,
High in the heav’ns a star shone bright,
While in a manger a wee baby lay,
Sweetly asleep on a bed of hay.
Jesus the Lord was that baby so small,
Laid down to sleep in a humble stall;
Then came the star and it stood overhead,
shedding its light ’round His little bed.
Dear baby Jesus, how tiny Thou art,
I’ll make a place for Thee in my heart,
And when the stars in the heavens I see,
Ever and always I think of Thee.
Sanctus: S-125 Proulx
Communion Music: Il est Ne, le Divin Enfant arr. Dale Wood
Communion Hymn: H67
“Comfort, Comfort Ye My People”
Recessional Hymn: H72 “Hark the Glad Sound”
Postlude: Chorale Recessional – Richard Shepherd