St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


National elections are complete, and now we turn to our Parish duties at Annual Meeting in the Church following the 10am Liturgy this Sunday January 29th.
Our Candidates for Vestry Class of 2020 are:

Robert Packer
Lawrence Schulte
Kevin Snaer
Jennifer Sherry

Our Candidates for Delegates to the 122nd Diocesan Convention are:

Frank Arnall
Sylvia Smythe
Sterling Trenberth
Fernando Guzman Ureña

Applause and Thanks to the outgoing members of the Vestry Class of 2017: James Balbin, José Guerrero and John Miller. Sylvia Smythe will extend her term of office for an additional year as Senior Warden in light of the Rector’s post-Easter sabbatical.

Let us pray:

For the Parish: “Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your Holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer pg. 817)

For the 76th Annual Meeting: “Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel at the 76th Annual Meeting of St. Edmund’s Parish for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer pg. 818)

We can all let up for a while on the Collect for Rain, Book of Common Prayer pg. 828!

Blessed Epiphanytide,

The appointed lessons for January 29th, 2017, Epiphany Four, may be found HERE

‘Inauguration Prayers,’ the Rector’s San Marino Tribune article January 20th HERE

A video presentation of Christmas Eve Music 2016 may be viewed on the Parish You Tube site HERE

A video presentation of the Christmas Eve Liturgy 2016 may be viewed on the Parish You Tube site HERE

It might be your “friends” who are hacking your Facebook HERE, though algorithms are busy too HERE.

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE

Congratulations Tony, and rich blessings to you in your service…you are certainly a blessing to us!

Sylvia and Colville send greetings from a very chilly Vienna, where they report the cold makes for perfect snow!

VERGER’S LUNCH at Matt Denney’s Ale House January 22nd: Seated: Julie Quinn, Gary and Cheryl Mendoza, George Seitz.
Standing: Larry Schulte, John Quinn, Caroline Seitz, Jose Guerrero, Verger Faught, Veronica Guerrero, Brad Thurlow, Cynthia Schulte, Patty Thurlow