St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Fourth Sunday of Advent 8am and 10am December 24th | Liturgy & Music

December 24th, 2017

Preacher: GFW+
Celebrant: Canon Heffron+

Prelude: “He Is Born, The Divine Christ Child”
-Dale Wood

Processional Hymn #616: “Hail To The Lord’s Anointed”

Gloria Hymn #74: “Blest Be The King Whose Coming”
-verse one only

Gradual Hymn # 275: “The Angel From Heaven Came”

Offertory: “A Christmas Improvisation” -Robert Hovencamp

Communion Music: “Once He Came In Blessing” – Paul Manz

Recessional #59: “Hark A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding”

Postlude: “Savior Of The Nations Come”