St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


April 2nd, 2017

Preacher: GFW+
Celebrant: Canon Smythe+

Prelude: “I Call To Thee, Lord Jesus Christ” – J.S. Bach
Processional: #435: “At The Name Of Jesus”

Gradual Hymn #508: “Breathe On Me O Breath Of God”

Offertory: “If You Search For Me With All Your Heart”
– Craig Courtney

When you seek Me, you shall find Me, if you search with all your heart.
For I know the plans I have for you, ever wondrous and eternal,
For I know the plans I have for you: plans of hope and a future.
I will bring you out of bondage to the land I have prepared.
Text from Jeremiah: 29: 11-14

Agnus Dei – Schubert

Communion Music: “World, I Bid You Farewell” – Johannes Brahams

Communion Hymn #314: “Humbly I Adore Thee”

Recessional Hymn #675: “Take Up Your Cross”

Postlude: “Christ Lay In The Bonds Of Death” – J.S. Bach