St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


Welcome home to our Senior Warden Sylvia and our Assisting priest Colville from a month of wild dance moves in Vienna! Rumor has it they may demonstrate a Waltz during announcement time on February 5th.

Gail Rolfe and I wing off this week for a Cristosal Board meeting in San Salvador, my final board meeting as I complete 12 years of service as Vice-President to this human-rights organization and pass the baton!

Gail and I are flying first-class:

Blessed Epiphanytide,

Sad word comes of the death of William Robert Kerler on November 13, 2016 in Charlottesville, Virginia. Bill, age 87, was active in the Episcopal Church his entire life, and together with his wife Judy, was quite active at St. Edmund’s before relocating to Virginia. Judy Kerler preceded Bill in death, and he is survived by his wife Elizabeth Meiburg. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

The appointed lessons for February 5th, 2017, Epiphany Five, may be found HERE

For those with concerns for immigrants and refugees, the Episcopal Policy Network provides helpful direction HERE

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE

Prior to Annual Meeting, several parishioners joined the clergy in expressing concern over President Trump’s exclusion of returning travelers, immigrants and refugees from seven Muslim majority nations.

The Choir offered a moving rendition of Mozart’s ‘Recordare’ at the Offertory Annual Meeting Sunday.