St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

EASTERTIDE The Sixth Sunday in Easter | Liturgy & Music

May 6th

Preacher & Celebrant: The Reverend Canon Judy Heffron+

Prelude: Adiago (Sonata di Camera) –
G. F. Handel

Processional #494 “Crown Him With Many Crowns”

Gloria Hymn #448 “O Love, How Deep”
verse one only

Gradual #383 “Fairest Lord Jesus”

Offertory “The Whisper”
– Craig Courtney, words by Susan Bentall Boersma

In the desert, in the wilderness of life,
I am searching for the One who searches me.
As I wander, hungry, thirsty, lost, alone;
I hear God’s voice. I hear the whisper of my name.
“Come to the table. Your name is written on My hand.
Come to the table. Your name is hidden on My heart.
Come to the table and live. ”

At the table, He prepares for me a place.
He redeems me, I am pardoned by His grace.
He restores me with His rich and lavish love.
In His call, I hear the whisper of my name.
“Come to the table. Your name is written on My hand.
Come to the table. Your name is hidden on My heart.
Come to the table and live.”
In His call, I ear the whisper of my name.

Sanctus: S-125 Proulx

Communion Music: “Dearest Emmanuel, Light of the World”
– Marcel Dupre

Communion #487 “Come My Way, My Truth, My Life”

Recessional #344 “Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing”

Postlude: “Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion”
– Marcel Dupre