4:30pm Family Festal Eucharist
Thursday December 24th
Our Christingle Mass returns at 4:30pm the December 24th with a child oriented Christmas Homily and the children gathered at the Altar for Festal celebration of the Holy Eucharist!
Con-celebrants: Canon Woodward, Canon Smythe, the Reverend Heather Blackstone
Prelude: “On Christmas Night, Sussex Carol”
St. Edmund’s Bell Choir
Sylvia Smythe; Director
Processional Hymn #83 “O Come All Ye Faithful”
Gloria Hymn: “Noel!”
St.Edmund’s Bell Choir
Gradual Hymn #96 “Angels We Have Heard On High”
Offertory Anthem: “Sing Lullaby” (Basque Carol)
Sing lullaby, lullaby baby, now reclining, sing lullaby
Hush, do not wake the infant King!
Angles are watching, starts are shining over the place where he is lying,
Sing Lullaby!
Sing Lullaby, lullaby baby, now a-sleeping, sing lullaby.
Hush, do not wake the infant King!
Soon will come sorrow with the morning; soon will come bitter grief and weeping.
Sing lullaby!
Sing lullaby, lullaby baby now a-dozing, sing lullaby.
Hush, do not wake the infant King!
Soon comes the cross, the nails, the piercing, then in the grave at last reposing,
Sing Lullaby!
Sing lullaby, lullaby, is the Babe awaking? Sing lullaby!
Hush, do not wakt the infant King!
Dreaming of Easter, gladsome morning, Conquering death, it’s bondage breaking.
Sing Lullaby!
Communion Anthem: “The Blessed Son of God”
The blessed Son of God only in a crib full poor did lie:
With our poor flesh and our poor blood,
was clothed that everlasting good.
Kyrie Eleison
The Lord Christ Jesus, God’s Son dear, was a guest and a stranger here;
Us for to bring from misery, that we might live eternally.
Kyrie Eleison.
All this did He for us freely, for to declare His great mercy:
All Christendom be merry therefore, and give Him thanks for evermore.
Kyrie Eleison
Communion Hymn #79 “O Little Town Of Bethlehem”
The Christingle Carol
Post Communion Hymn #111 “Silent Night, Holy Night”
Recessional Hymn #87 “Hark The Herald Angels Sing”
Postlude: “Angels We Have Heard On High”
St. Edmund Bell Choir
Sylvia Smythe; Director
Joel Athey
Antonio Bartolome
Richard De Lorimier
Tony Faught
Gwen Hicks
Susan Liu
Angela Mar
Mike Mathis
alerie Mathews
Bob Packer
Pam Payne
Sheree Tyler
Meghan Wong
Spencer Woodman