Liturgy & Music – Christingle Mass – December 24th
A child oriented Christmas Homily and the children gathered at the Altar for Festal celebration of the Holy Eucharist!
Con-celebrants: Canon Woodward, Canon Smythe, the Reverend Heather Blackstone
A child oriented Christmas Homily and the children gathered at the Altar for Festal celebration of the Holy Eucharist!
Con-celebrants: Canon Woodward, Canon Smythe, the Reverend Heather Blackstone
St. Edmund’s Bell Choir, The Modern Brass Quintet, St. Edmund’s Choir with guests from the LA Opera Chorus, the St. Edmund Organ, full Sermon and Festal Choral Holy Eucharist mark our Evening Christmas Eve Mass
Preacher: Canon Woodward
Con-celebrants: Canon Woodward, Canon Smythe, the Reverend Heather Blackstone
The Hymns of Advent move me greatly, much more, truth be told, than do those of Christmastide. Advent hymns embody the yearning of the season
December 13th, 2015 Preacher & Celebrant: GFW+ Prelude: “Savior Of The Nations Come” – Paul Manz Processional: #522 “Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken” Trisagion