St. Edmund’s is actively soliciting nominations for serving on its Vestry. Vestry has primary fiduciary responsibility for the assets of the Parish, and also supports St. Edmund’s clergy through active, faithful participation in worship and parish life.
Vestry will be responsible for the election of St. Edmund’s next permanent rector. It is important to note that Vestry members may not serve on the Search Committee responsible for identifying the candidates who will be presented to Vestry for selection.
St. Edmund’s Vestry has 12 members, each serving a three-year term. So, each year four members’ terms end, and are replaced by a new class of four.
All financially contributing members of St. Edmund’s, over 18 years old, and regular communicants, are eligible for membership on Vestry. Prior service, in any capacity, at St. Edmund’s is not required.
The outgoing Vestry members, Michael Harrigian, Stephen Rolfe, Robert Wycoff and Nancy Dini, will be serving as a nominating committee for the selection of the 2019 Vestry Class. Though the nominating committee may identify additional candidates, all those nominated in this process will be included on a ballot for election at the 2019 annual meeting.
Forms are available in the Narthex, and the back of the Chapel, to nominate oneself or others. Please obtain the consent of the nominee before submitting! These forms may be returned to anyone on the nominating committee, or sent to Isabel in the office: by Sunday, December 9.