St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


October 14

Preacher & Celebrant: Rev. Dr. William J. Doggett

Amos 5:6-7, 10-15
Psalm 90:12-17
Hebrews 4:12-16
Mark 10:17-31
Prelude: Prelude in E-Flat – Alexander Guilmant

Pro: H379 “God Is Love, Let Heaven Adore Him”

Hymn of Praise: H559 “Lead Us, Heavenly Father”
(vs. 1 only)

Gradual: H447 “The Christ Who Died, But Rose Again”
(vs. 1-2 before, vs. 3-4 after)

Offertory: If You Search With All Your Heart
– Craig Courtney
When you seek Me, you shall find Me,
if you search with all your heart.
For I know the plans I have for you,
ever wondrous and eternal,
For I know the plans I have for you:
plans of hope and a future.
I will bring you out of bondage to the land I have prepared.
Text from Jeremiah: 29: 11-14
Sanctus: S-125 Proulx

Communion Music: Communion in E-minor
– Alexander Guilmant

Communion Hymn: H328
“Draw Nigh and Take The Body Of Our Lord”

Recessional Hymn: H596
“Judge Eternal, Throned In Splendor”

Postlude: Recessional March – Alexander Guilmant