St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


November 11

Preacher: Rev. Mark Dawson
Celebrant: Dr. Rev. William Doggett

1 Kings 17:8-16
Psalm 146
Hebrews 9:24-28
Mark 12:38-44

Prelude: My Inmost Soul Doth Yearn
– Johannes Brahms

Processional Hymn: H637 “How Firm A Foundation”

Gloria Hymn: H686 “Come, Thou Fount of Every
Blessing” (vs. 1 only)

Gradual Hymn: H665 “All My Hope On God Is
Founded” (1-3, 4-5)

Offertory: Come to the Light – David Rasbach
The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin;
the light of the world is Jesus.
Like sunshine at noonday His glory shone in;
the light of the world is Jesus.
Come to the light, ’tis shining for thee.
Sweetly the light has dawned upon me.
Once I was blind, but now I see,
the light of the world is Jesus.
Ye dwellers in darkness with sin-blinded eyes;
the light of the world is Jesus.
Go wash at His bidding and light will arise!
The light of the world is Jesus.
O will you come to the light? ‘Tis shining for thee.
Sweetly the light has dawned upon me.
Once I was lost, but now I see;
the light of the world is Jesus.
Text by Philip P. Bliss
Sanctus: S-125 Proulx

Communion Music: O World, I Must Now Leave You
– Johannes Brahms

Communion Hymn: H482 “Lord Of All Hopefulness”

Recessional Hymn: H475 “God Himself Is With Us”

Postlude: Recessional – Frank Asper