St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


The Parish Profile team, headed by Michael Harrigian, is busy drafting a parish profile which they are aiming to have available for Vestry review in February.

Thank you to everyone who sent in your 2019 pledges! We are now able to begin preparing our budget for next year. For those who have not sent in your pledge, or who may have misplaced the form, it is not too late! Please do so as soon as possible.
If mailing, please use the P.O. Box address:
P.O. Box 80038
San Marino, CA 91118
If you have any questions, please contact Brian Spaulding or Gail Rolfe

A compilation of the approximately 100 survey responses received by the Transition Committee has been sent by email to each parishioner. If you did not receive it, or would prefer a hard copy, please contact Isabel in the office and she will prepare a copy for you. If you have any questions about the survey or its results, please feel free to contact Michael Harrigian or Gail Rolfe.

The responses highlighted a few areas that might warrant further discussion, either now or once the new rector has joined us. They include:
“Contemporary” worship and music, both the meaning of the term and, if so desired, how it might be implemented;
Broader engagement in the community, including outreach;
New ways in which our children and youth programs might serve additional needs of young families; and
The path that sermons should take when dealing with the intersection of “contemporary issues,” politics and applying scripture in our daily lives.
If one or more of these areas is of particular interest to you, and you would like to participate in a future group discussion to explore it further, please contact Gail Rolfe at
During this phase, it will be important to remain active in our parish life, not just in the transition events, but also by attending services regularly; participating in the summer socials, adult education and other parish ministries; keeping your pledges current; and sharing your questions and concerns with the Transition Committee.

Several parishioners have expressed interest in having videotaped sermons available on our website. If you are interested in leading this effort, please contact Fr. Bill. If you have a digital video camera at home that isn’t being used and you would be willing to donate it to the church, please contact Fr. Bill.
If you have any questions about transition – changes to the services, the progress we’re making or otherwise – please feel free to ask one of the Transition Committee members – Gail Rolfe, Michael Harrigian, Amy Hulick, Debra Spaulding or Alan Steinbrecher – or the Senior Warden, Ron Harrington.