Last Sunday, the Feast of All Saints’, the Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry was enthroned as the 27th Primate and Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Washington National Cathedral (the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul). Bishop Curry, the former bishop of North Carolina, succeeds Katharine Jefferts Shori as Primate of the American Church. The 155 bishops of the Episcopal Church were in attendance, along with many ecumenical guests. You may read more here.
Locally, we blessed the Acolyte plaque in honor of Parish Verger and mentor James L. Schlanser, enjoyed a handsome Altar of Memory in the Narthex, and welcomed Luna Doke and James David Yundt into Christ’s Holy Catholic Church through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. A glad day, fueled by that extra-hour of daylight savings time sleep…and the fulsome service concluded at 11:14am!
From Tennessee comes happy word of the birth of Catherine Georgia to Ren and Jim Fakonas on October 23! Congrats to these relocated dear ones!
Christ be in you,
Dine Tuesday November 3rd or Wednesday November 4th at the Dog Haus, at 105 N. Hill Avenue Pasadena or at 93 East Green Street, Pasadena and a portion of your bill will be contributed to St. Edmund’s Nursery School! Just mention St. Edmund’s when you order. View the menu here!
The appointed lessons for next Sunday, November 8th, (Track Two).
Talking about sex with parents helpful for adolescents.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE
(Photos thanks to Jose Guerrero and Henry Woodward)