This last week saw three Nursery School graduation classes at St. Edmund’s. Our joy was mixed with deep loss at the death of beloved nursery school teacher Janice Board, whose life will be celebrated in a memorial service at St. Edmund’s later this week (see below).
Add summer frolic to our bright days by hosting or participating in a Summer Social, now in full swing! The social committee will help you find your niche!
This week Canon Smythe and I are pleased to stand at the Altar with our guest preacher and celebrant, the Reverend Dr. Barbara Stewart, a strong voice for our Faith in our Diocese and well-beyond!
Grace and peace,
Congratulations to Jim Fakonas, graduating and receiving his PhD from Cal Tech on Friday. Ren and Jim have relocated to Tennessee, but will be with us next Sunday, and also for a celebratory baby-shower (their own!).
Congratulations to Tori and Al Mordecai as they celebrate their 20th anniversary of wedded bliss June 17th!
Nursery School Teacher Janice Board died May 31st at age 62 following a short illness. A Memorial Service will be held at St. Edmund’s Church this Friday at 3pm. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Janice Board Literary Fund, St. Edmund’s Nursery School. Remember her husband Greg, children Nick and Kelsey, Nick’s Wife Autumn and grandson Ashton, and the parish school community in your prayers.
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Wolves are among us at St. Edmund’s in the best of ways, and Natalia Hicks shares this NYT article on Alpha-Wolves and our parish mascot and Alpha-Humans!
Who is most subject to Phishing.
View the Anglican Communion website.
The appointed Lessons for the Third Sunday after Pentecost.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE