St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


Like many people you may have thought illuminated manuscripts went out with the Middle Ages, however there are still some beautifully talented people who have preserved the art form and continue to practice it today.
Several months ago Brother Michael Jones introduced St. Edmund’s to an Associate of his at Order of the Holy Cross, Brother Vince who, is a remarkable illuminator of texts. Brother Vince offered to create an illuminated manuscript for St. Edmund’s. Deacon Mark accepted this gift at a service held in our Chapel and was able to present this to our congregation
on Sunday. The hand inked work contains the words of John 8:31-23 and features our gorgeous compass rose. After it has been framed and mounted, it will hang in the Narthex where worshipers can appreciate the several hundreds of hours that went into this prayer-filled gift. In addition to being a beautiful piece of art, the manuscript reminds us that being part of the body of Christ means that oftentimes we are being prayed for without realizing it.

The Lessons for the Tenth Sunday of Pentecost, July 29th HERE

Read “The Lead” from the Episcopal Cafe HERE

An interesting article about how adolescents engaged in religion perform better in school HERE

Information on Hawaii’s new ban on certain sunscreens HERE

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service