Our glad celebrations of the Resurrection of our Lord Christ saw standing-room only crowds despite Spring Break bridging Palm Sunday and Easter weekends, and our Choir and Organ and Trumpets, Dove Release, Egg Hunt and Piñatas, Altar Flowers (and Altar Guild prep!) all conspired toward our fitting celebrations!
Easter is Fifty Days long, and we ought to live into the Fifty Days with even greater enthusiasm than attended the Forty Days of Lenten Fast. Fast off, Feast On!
Lent intrudes even in Eastertide, and, as we pray in solidarity with suffering Christians around the globe, our Bishop +J. Jon Bruno leads a small delegation of Episcopal priests, among whom I am privileged to have been invited, in procession in the Ecumenical Liturgy of Commemoration for the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, to occur at the Roman Catholic Cathedral this coming Tuesday April 14th, with R.C. Archbishop José Gomez presiding. This Solemn Commemoration of the deaths of 1.5 million Armenian Christians, invites your prayer, as I represent our parish and Diocese with resurrection hope held to heart.
In 1865 an Episcopal Priest, Elias Birdsall, eulogized the recently assassinated Abraham Lincoln in a civic ceremony for Los Angeles. On this 150th anniversary of that event, the sermon will be read once more at commemorations April 19th at the Cathedral Center, Bishop J. Jon Bruno presiding. For additional information, see the Rector or see HERE.
Resurrection Hope intrudes forcefully, definitively, into all that death and defilement might deal, and this we claim in the Name of Jesus our Savior.
In Christos,
Corn Beef Five Vegetable Hash
Assorted Seasonal Fruits
Billie Youngblood-Knolle makes the San Marino Tribune!
Archbishop Welby’s Easter Sermon.
Nate Rolfe made the San Marino Tribune too, in an article by Mitch Lehman noting Titan baseball pitcher Nate’s remarkable fast-ball, shutting out the Bears last week in an hour and a half! Congrats Nate! (No online link to this story available, alas).
Parenting Class will meet April 12 and 26 and May 10 and 24. We are reading “Brainstorm” by Daniel Siegel.
Men’s Breakfast at Hal Hennacy’s Tuesday April 14th 6:30am
SAN MARINO, CALIFORNIA: Director of Youth Ministries for St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church. Full-time experienced and enthusiastic lay person sought to develop all dimensions of parish formation for children and youth. More information may be found at the parish web-page HERE or by contacting contact Search Chair, Sylvia Smythe.
The Anglican Communion website may be viewed HERE.
The appointed Lessons for The Second Sunday in Easter, April 12th, may be found HERE.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE.