St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Second Sunday of Advent, December 6th, 2015

Our outstanding Liturgy of Lessons and Carols returns again this next Sunday evening, the Second Sunday of Advent, at 7:30pm, followed by a lively Reception.

This Liturgy, I suppose, might be billed to friends as a “concert” though it is a proper Liturgy, with the reading of Scripture, Hymns and Choral Music…though, alas, no sermon!

Do bring friends, and do attend. Contributions in support of our Choir’s efforts are much welcomed that evening.

The 120th Diocesan Convention of the Church in Los Angeles will be held December 4th and 5th at Ontario Convention Center. If you are a Delegate or Alternate (or an interested Episcopalian) you may see Resolutions, Budget, proposed changes to the Canons, and much else HERE.

The 355th mass shooting (those involving over four deaths) this year has just occurred in San Bernardino. Americans seem to remain divided about the need for regulation of guns (though we seem comfortable with licensing cars). Pray for wisdom among our legislatures and peoples.

A freshened iteration of our Website is pending, and we hope will debut prior to Christmastide. For those who have missed and have requested access to audio sermons, October and November have finally been posted, one of the many, many matters our beloved Jim Schlanser used to tend, and which we are learning skills to manage in his absence.

Peggy and Jack Simpson had their last Sunday with us this past Advent One as they prepare to move closer to their sons near San Diego. They will be so missed. Who wants to go with me to visit them after they are settled!

Christ be in you,

Please join us for our monthly Parish Breakfast on Sunday, December 6th at 9 a.m. in the Parish Hall.
The menu will be:

Seasonal Fruit
Christmas Scrambled eggs and
Christmas Tree Cinnamon Rolls

Breakfast will be ordered for all reservations. Just click “Register Now” and submit your name and number of people attending. You may call the Church Office to RSVP as well. It is important to RSVP prior to event so that we have an accurate count for food.
Price is $6 for all reservations (children under 10 yrs. old $3) and $7 at the door (if there is any food left).

The appointed lessons for next Sunday, December 6th, Advent Two.

Church of England Video on “The Lord’s Prayer” refused by movie theaters.

Laser mapping of Lincoln Cathedral reveals architectural secrets

Saudi Arabia…A Successful ISIS?

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE

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