Your Vestry met in Retreat this past weekend consolidating strategies to deepen parish mission.
Alan Steinbrecher continues as our Senior Warden, and the Vestry is pleased to announce the election of Caroline Seitz as Junior Warden.
We are engaged in further strengthening Youth Ministry and Communications, even as we lean into the resource development necessary to achieve the parish goals to which we have committed ourselves. Every parishioner possesses God-given abilities for use in Christ’s Church, and we ask this Lent that you reflect on your own energies, and how they might be pressed into service for our shared labor.
Strength for the Journey!
Youth Confirmation
Lenten Supper and Class
Parenting Class
The Los Angeles Clarinet Choir was with us Transfiguration Sunday, and one of their offerings, “Ubi Caritas” may be viewed on the parish You Tube site.
Shannon Boalt shares a terrific conversation with Anne Lamott on Lent and Easter.
Global School Courses are year around in El Salvador, with the Romero Pilgrimage course this March 17-25 for any with a last minute yearning for Spring offerings.
Parenting Class meets twice a month on Sundays from 7-8:30pm in the Library. Our next two meetings are on March 1 and March 15.The book we are now reading is Brainstorm by Daniel Siegel, MD. Chapter 2 will be discussed on March 1
TO DO LIST! Sign up for St. Edmund’s E-Scrip!
The appointed Lessons to be used for The Second Sunday in Lent, March 1st, may be found HERE.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE
Your Vestry on Retreat (Left to Right): Alan Steinbrecher (Senior Warden), Bill Youngblood, Amy Hulick, Sylvia Smythe, Danny Jones, José Guerrero, Bob Mueller, Gail Rolfe, Brad Thurlow, Caroline Seitz (Junior Warden), and John Miller. (not pictured: Jim Balbin)