St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, July 26th, 2015

We as a nation again keenly mourn gun-violence and what seems to have been domestic terrorism, felt especially as it has been inflicted on our military personnel…folk dedicated to our protection and care.

The fallen Marines are named:

Carson Holmquist
Thomas Sullivan
Squire Wells
David Wyatt

And the fallen Navy Petty Officer:

Randall Smith

Remember these and their families in your prayers.

Because we have been taught to love those who hate us, pray also for the assassin, and for his family.

Among those who do not hate the United States are a vast number of Muslim Americans mortified to be associated with this rampage, and aware that a fundamentalist and violent strand of Islam is on the rise. Just as we reject fundamentalist expressions of Christianity, we might imagine that it is possible for Muslims to rue the conflation of their religion with extremist positions. Pray for Muslim Americans.

God has given us cause for Joy amidst sadness as Mother Judy arrived among us Sunday last in compelling pulpit preachments and reverent celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. We are abundantly blessed at St. Edmund’s, and give thanks to God, our Christ, our Saint, and for our sane and faithful strand of ancient Christianity!

Postcard word wends from Scandinavia that the Smythes are having a fine time and that Sylvia has nearly acquired an accent!

(Do you know St. Edmund is revered in Scandinavia? An upcoming pamphlet in the Tract Rack may help you understand why).

Canon Smythe will be at Altar and Pulpit August 2nd and 10th, with rejoicing to accompany his return, and Sylvia’s.

Canon James Pendergrast will preach and preside at Eucharist July 29th. Fill the pews and welcome the Chancellor for the Diocese in my absence.

I’ll be away from St. Edmund’s on vacation the next three Sundays, but in Episcopal parishes elsewhere for each Lord’s Day, with St. Edmund’s in mind, heart and prayer.

Peace and blessing,

Graduation rates for every school district in one map.

CONFIRMATION is September 13th. Make certain, if you so intend, to register with Isabel Roa at

Holy Baptism is next scheduled for the Feast of All Saints’ November 1st. Contact the Rector or Isabel for baptismal applications.

Bavarian Lutherans and Episcopalians meet in NYC to consider joint endeavors.

75th Anniversary Possibility
One dimension to our 2016 anniversary celebrations might be an Edmund’s 75th Heritage Tour to East Anglia and Southern England. Hit the blue links here to have a look! Lavenham would be a terrific base from which to visit Bury St. Edmund’s, Cambridge and Ely Cathedral, and the Lodge at Canterbury offers perfect access to Canterbury Cathedral. London is replete with opportunity. A departure date June 13th, 2016 has been suggested. Speak to the Rector if this is of interest to you.

The appointed Lessons for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost July 26th ( Lectors follow Track Two), may be found HERE, for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost August 2nd HERE, for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost August 9th HERE, for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost August 16th HERE.

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE