St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


It may be summer but there is plenty of activity still going on at the church! Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
August 1: Fr. Bill Doggett starts work at St. Edmund’s as Interim Rector.
August 5: First Sunday with Fr. Bill as Celebrant and Preacher.
August 12: Blessing of the Backpacks at the 10:00 service for all students preparing to return to school, all ages.
August 26: Final Summer Social & Welcome to Fr. Bill, Church Potluck.
September 9: Kickoff Sunday – the first Sunday of the new church year and return of the Choir.
September 16: SENSundae – ice cream social after the 10:00 service for all children of the parish including new and returning Nursery School students to celebrate the start of a new year at SENS.
September 23: Altar Guild Event – Annual Tea for Altar Guild members.
September 30: Mass on the Grass – Annual family service and picnic at the Angeloffs.
October 13: Fall Fun(d)raiser at San Antonio Winery – stay tuned for more details.

The Lessons for the Ninth Sunday of Pentecost, July 22nd HERE

Read “The Lead” from the Episcopal Cafe HERE

An interesting article about how adolescents engaged in religion perform better in school HERE

Information on Hawaii’s new ban on certain sunscreens HERE

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service