St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, September 6th, 2015

As befits the end of summer, this week’s Edmund’s Notes is something of a photo collage…though of only one week in our common life!

We do like to have fun.

Thanks to Jose Guerrero and Henry Woodward for photo contributions, and for all of those so fully engaged in our social whirl…or, as I prefer to think of things, to those mixing the “holy mortar” for the ways in which we are built together!

Christ’s own Peace and Blessing,

Brother Michael Manley Hopkins Jones hosts a gathering of Associates of the Order of the Holy Cross at St. Edmund’s Saturday last

Adolescent friendships are linked to adult health

The appointed Lessons for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost September 6th.

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.

Work and God-Awareness

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE

Sad news of the death of Robert D. Ryan in Santa Rosa, California arrived in the office this week. Robert was a member of St. Edmund’s Parish for 40 years, together with his first wife, Charlotte, who died in 1989 (and whose funeral was presided over by the Reverend Marni Schneider).

Robert journeyed back to St. Edmund’s on many a Christmas Eve in the company of dear friends Joan and Chet Floyd.

Robert D. Ryan died August 19th at the age of 98, and his niece, the Reverend Julie Ryan, was kind to contact St. Edmund’s. There will be a memorial service in Santa Rosa, and a local liturgy of interment may follow locally in months ahead.

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A Jerusalem Bible with a Rector’s Award of Merit had been presented to Charlotte and Bob Ryan prior to Charlotte’s death, and probably by the Sixth Rector of St. Edmund’s Parish, the Reverend Don Lewis.