St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


May 20th

Preacher & Celebrant: The Reverend Canon Judy Heffron+

Prelude: Chorale Variations on Veni Creator Spiritus – Maurice Durufle

Processional #225 “Hail Thee, Festival Day”

Gloria Hymn #423 “Immortal, Invisible”
verse one only

Gradual #504 “Come Holy Spirit, Our Souls Inspire” verse one only

Stay with me, Lord,
for you are my life, my strength and my faith,
my passion and light.
Lord, stay lest I forget you, abandon you, fall in the dark.
O Lord, my soul is poor, but let it be a home for you.
Stay with me, Lord, that I may hear your voice.
Stay with me, that I may love you.
Stay with me, Lord, that I may be true.
I ask no further comfort but your staying, your love,
your will, your light, your spirit.
I ask no other consolation.
I ask no other gift but love.

From the prayer of St. Padre Pio

Sanctus: S-125 Proulx

Communion Music: “Spirit of God, Descent Upon My Heart”
– Joe Utterback

Communion #310 “O Saving Victim, Opening Wide”

Recessional #511 “Holy Spirit, Ever Living”

Postlude: “Chorale Variation on Veni Creator 4”
– Maurice Durufle