St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, July 19th, 2015

Last week, our Youth Director Heather Blackstone debuted at the Altar as a Lay Eucharistic Minister and a liturgical parish presence. Heather is ordained in the United Church of Christ, and rejoices to be among us liturgically, and to be our standard and guide for children and youth in all developmental stations of the spiritual journey.

She and Cassandra Stadtler are conspiring with me toward Sunday School evolution, and parishioners are encouraged, and parishioners must, participate in the formation of our children and youth. Of particular and immediate need are volunteers to work with our children (see below) during Summer Sunday School, and volunteers to work with our children in the nearly arrived September program year.

This coming Sunday, Mother Judy Heffron preaches and celebrates at both services, and it will be my pleasure to join you in receiving her new ministry at St. Edmund’s in assisting capacity. Mother Judy brings such spiritual and personal depth and joy of presence as will animate us all forward in our shared commitments.

Mother Heffron is a Canon of the Diocese of Los Angeles, Rector Emeritus of Holy Trinity, West Covina, and Assisting Priest at St. Edmund’s, San Marino.

Peace and blessing,

Your prayers are desired for all on our prayer-list, prayed with discipline by many. Jim Schlanser is undergoing radiation therapy for pain reduction these next two weeks. Krishan Sirimane is sheduled for triple by-pass surgery on Thursday. These pressing matters, please hold before our Lord.

CONFIRMATION is September 13th. Make certain, if you so intend, to register with Isabel Roa at

Holy Baptism is next scheduled for the Feast of All Saints’ November 1st. Contact the Rector or Isabel for baptismal applications.

75th Anniversary Possibility
One dimension to our 2016 anniversary celebrations might be an Edmund’s 75th Heritage Tour to East Anglia and Southern England. Hit the blue links here to have a look! Lavenham would be a terrific base from which to visit Bury St. Edmund’s, Cambridge and Ely Cathedral, and the Lodge at Canterbury offers perfect access to Canterbury Cathedral. London is replete with opportunity. A departure date June 13th, 2016 has been suggested. Speak to the Rector if this is of interest to you.

The San Marino Tribune recently offered a terrific salute to parishioner Bob Dini.

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Photos above by José Guerrero

Archbishop Welby on “The Inescapable Reality of Jesus in his life”.

The Program Group on Global Partnership in the Diocese of Los Angeles, George Woodward; Chair, brought to successful passage this Resolution at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church this month.

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s remarks on global climate change at General Synod.

Harvard Business Review weighs in on Church life…citing an adjacent Parish.

The appointed Lessons for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost ( Lectors follow Track Two).

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE